Victoria Lee
- Host of Television Show "Making It Happen"
- Author of: "Distinguished Oklahomans" and "A Way Out"
- Self-Image Restoration Expert
Victoria Lee is an author and ordained minister. She has personally interviewed over 300 successful individuals and researched countless others. She is the host of her own Christian oriented talk show, Making It Happen, on the FOX Broadcasting Network. Victoria has written several books, including her latest book, A Way Out. Her passion is to
read the restVictoria Lee is an Oklahoma author, professional speaker and ordainedminister. She has personally interviewed over 300 successful individualsand researched countless others.She is the host of her own Christian oriented talk show “Making ItHappen” on the Lesea Broadcasting Network – TV47 (Cable 7) in Tulsa,Oklahoma. The show is meant to inspire and encourage others to pursuewith fervency the talents and gifts that have been placed inside them when they hear how others havecreated their success.Victoria has written several books which include Distinguished Oklahomans, Movers and Shakers,Coweta, Oklahoma’s First 100 Years, Shattered Dreams and Broken Hearts, Unforgettable Grady,Amazing Grace and The Letter Safari and has other books in their final stages.She is a former owner of a greeting card company that distributed cards throughout the United Statesand Canada. In the early 1980’s she worked for Christian Broadcasting Network in VirginiaBeach, Virginia. While there she wrote the University newsletter, which unknowingly was her start inthe world of writing.Her passion is to help individuals restore their self-image, which has been damaged through recurringverbal, physical and sexual abuses. Over twenty years of preparation has gone into her latest book “AWay Out”, which deals with the effects of abuse and the path to restoration.She and her husband, Rex, conduct “If I Can, You Can!” presentations designed to help individualsrestore their self-image by understanding the root causes for the damage. Abandonment, Neglect,Physical, Sexual and Verbal abuse is what she calls “Self-Image Killers and Dream Destroyers” andyet there is a way out. Without a real understanding of the occurrences from a person’s past they willoften experience anger, rage, depression, fear, alcohol and drug addiction, as well as other debilitatingobstacles.Victoria believes if we can teach adults how to overcome the effects of early childhood abuse then wewill save the future of our children.
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Speaker Programs