Randall Reeder
- Speaking as "Will Rogers" Since 1996
- Former Ohio State University Extension Agricultural Engineer
Experience the wit and wisdom of an American legend, Will Rogers. Randall Reeder brings to life the warmth and humor of Will Rogers as he speaks to business and agriculture audiences, and a variety of other groups.He is more than a “Will Rogers impersonator” or a “Will Rogers impressionist” or “Will Rogers speaker”. You’ll feel
read the restExperience the wit and wisdom of an American legend, Will Rogers.
Randall Reeder brings to life the warmth and humor of Will Rogers as he speaks to business and agriculture audiences, and a variety of other groups.
He is more than a “Will Rogers impersonator” or a “Will Rogers impressionist” or “Will Rogers speaker”. You’ll feel like you are in the presence of Will Rogers. If you know Will, this Will Rogers look-alike will make you do a double-take as soon as you lay eyes on him.
As a professional speaker, Randall draws on Will Rogers’ published writings and other sources, plus remembrances by Will’s family and acquaintances to customize his presentation based on the interests of the audience. Then he adds observations about life, politics and the world today, presented with the Will Rogers style and grace. The result is an enlightening, inspirational and thoroughly entertaining presentation your group is sure to enjoy.
If requested, Randall includes some photos (PowerPoint slides) of Will, his family and friends to enhance your pleasure of being with ‘Will Rogers’. Randall smoothly blends this ‘high technology’ into his ‘down home’ commentary.
As you visit with ‘Will’ before and after a presentation you will feel the warmth and understanding that made Will Rogers the most beloved American of the 1920’s and 1930’s.One audience member wrote, “The country needed a Will Rogers back then when things were tough. And we still need one today.”
Randall Reeder has been speaking as “Will Rogers” since 1996 when he was “discovered” by an Oklahoma professional speaker from Woodward, Dale Minnick. Dale, who died two years later, told Randall that “God put you together to remind us of the most admired man in the U.S. in the 20th Century.”
Although Randall does not claim to live up to that high calling, he gives a lot of talks to businesses and organizations across the country.
He grew up on a farm in Lewis County, West Virginia. He graduated from West Virginia University with degrees in Agricultural Engineering. He served on the faculty at Ohio State University as an Extension Agricultural Engineer from 1979 to 2011. At Ohio State he worked with farm machinery, conservation tillage systems, energy systems and 4-H youth programs.
He is a member of the National Speakers Association, National Society of Professional Engineers, American Society of Agricultural and Biological Engineers, and Farm Bureau.
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