George Campbell
Ten years of award-winning stand-up comedy led to 20+ years of professional speaking for George Campbell. He has educated and entertained tens of thousands of people at hundreds of events. In 2002, he was inducted in the NSA “Speakers Hall of Fame”. He’s been featured on 60 Minutes and interviewed for a cover article in...
read the restTen years of award-winning stand-up comedy led to 20+ years of professional speaking for George Campbell. He has educated and entertained tens of thousands of people at hundreds of events. In 2002, he was inducted in the NSA “Speakers Hall of Fame”. He’s been featured on 60 Minutes and interviewed for a cover article in the LA Times.
Amazingly, all his professional speaking success was due to one burst of activity. Coasting on that momentum, George allowed himself to slip back into the hit-or-miss effort that is his natural inclination.
George had a ton of natural ability offset by an absence of consistency. That is, until he discovered the power of the Consistency Chain. Using the simple, powerful technique, George mastered the skill of consistency. Prior to this, that would have been unthinkable.
The most important thing to understand about George is that he relates completely with people who struggle to really access their potential. Those audience members identify with George because his story is their story. And for the first time in their life, someone on stage is validating their experience. George speaks to and for the 80%.